Benyakir Edits

First released on 03/13/2021 Last updated* on

Technologies used:


A custom WordPress theme made for my blog at Its primary features are custom types, a custom search endpoint, heavy styling and a few dynamic JavaScript features.

Custom types are included in the mu-plugins folder so they cannot be deleted without the user adjusting the WordPress backend database. The endpoint allows for the types to be queried by the search feature and provide only the most relevant data. It reduces the network load for the user.

Some highlights for the styling are the use of the cards in three ways: two distinct uses on the author page and one on the portfolio page. Other notable uses include all menus except for the search menu are handled entirely by the CSS.

For JavaScript features, what I think is a neat and unique feature is dynamically adjusting the footer position based on how large the screen is. If a page or blog post is too short to cover the entire page, the footer is moved from a static position at the bottom of the article and middle of the page TO an absolute position at the bottom of the page.